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Data Connectivity

We specialize in providing point-to-point wireless connectivity solutions. Our solutions are based on a variety of products depending on specific connectivity needs of our customer. However, we have a preferred range of products for such solutions; and our preference is a derivative of our ever-evolving experience with a particular technology or manufacturer. We also keep revisiting our sourcing decisions in order to improve the level of product support we can pass on to our customer.



Our current marketing focus is at the enterprise market situated in the radius of 500km with Lahore at the centre (limited to national borders). We have optimized our resources according to this positioning.


Service Levels:

Time and again, we have been challenged by a variety of connectivity scenarios. From software application to connectivity path profile, there are a number of factors that make each connectivity scenario unique in its own right. Nevertheless, we have established certain benchmarks to narrow down the potential causes of problem and hence improved our service levels.



We begin with collecting information about customer’s connectivity needs on different levels:

  1. Applications that would eventually load the link capacity;
  2. Physical path profile
  3. Infrastructure conditions.

Collating such information in a single perspective helps us narrow down to a few options in terms of product. Next step is to discuss those options with the customer and seek the best option keep the future needs into consideration. Any limitations are highlighted well in advance. Eventually, it becomes a team effort in which we work very closely with the customer and, as a result, an optimum solution emerges.

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