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Investor Relations

We pride ourselves in inviting short-term investments on Profit & Loss basis. Over the past few years, we have lived up to the expectations of our investors in terms of return forecasts. It has been our tradition that we have shared our past performance as well as future plans with our potential investors. Following is a brief account:


Past Performance

Until September 2007, we have consistently adhered to our business model and product portfolio. Incepted in early 2004, we have traversed a tricky path in the past nearly four years. We call it tricky because we had positioned ourselves as an intermediary with little obvious value addition. The value enhancement hinged on the premise that the more widely spread the operations higher the value to both our customers and suppliers. Low-end product sales carried on steadily, whereas high-end product sales did not pick up. Our involvement in services increased tremendously and so did the end-customer contact. This has certainly boosted our team confidence and developed our collective skill set. Besides, this involvement has revealed new business avenues. On the downside, our cash generation cycle could not improve and thus pressure on operations kept on building up. This has kept us from being aggressive in the market.


Future Plans

In the past few months, we have experimented with quite a few things. As a result, we are repositioning ourselves. Not only that, we are diversifying as well. Having learnt some lessons and groomed ourselves as a service provider, we are now developing the organization in the services paradigm. This would hopefully give a new dimension to our outlook. Services would become an integral part of our connectivity solution while we will position ourselves as an outsourcing option for companies one level up. We have field tested the idea. Alhamdu lillah, it has been a success. We are very positive about it. Besides, we have ventured into a different industry altogether. By virtue of our investor relations, we were offered sourcing of Zinc Ash (metal waste) from the United Kingdom. We took it up and have already fulfilled our first order. We are now gearing up for the follow-up consignment. We are pleased to inform that we have now a proper business presence in the United Kingdom. All in all, we are taking the fast lane in the current year and committing ourselves even more.

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